Lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles
Lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles

Setting much of the story in a dilapidated tunnel built in the socialist era and " The Tunnel Of Brotherhood And Unity " is a metaphor for the failings of Yugoslavia falling apart. Croats are now known as " Krauts " and " Ustase " ( The Croation fascist movement set up by the Nazis during the war ), the Bosnian Muslims are now known as " Turks " while the Serbs consider themselves " Chetniks " Serbian nationalist from the second world war. SLUMDOG MILLIONIRE also had a fractured storyline but that was extremely complex structure, maybe too complex for its own good where as here everything is easy to follow You don't need to be well informed in Yugoslav history to appreciate the film fully but it does help, especially the terms for the warring factions. It might sound complicated but the story is very easy to follow. The media reporting was rather simplistic with the Bosniaks being totally victims and the Serbs being total bad guys so it's good seeing a film from the Serb perspective, especially one where the world isn't viewed in black and white The film is told through a fractured storyline and the story cuts backwards and forwards between the characters when they were children living in a Socialist Yugoslavia, then it cuts to the war itself when they're trapped in a tunnel then forward to a short time when the survivors are lying maimed in a hospital. This might be down to the fact that the Serbs are shown as being both perpetrators and victims of atrocity, something the Western press wasn't to keen on saying while the conflict was going on in the early 1990s. I first saw Srdan Dragojevic PRETTY VILLAGE PRETTY FLAME just over ten years ago on channel 4 and instantly thought it was the best film to feature the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Title (Brazil): `Bela Aldeia, Bela Chama' (`Pretty Village, Pretty Flame')

lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles

I myself can not understand how best friend may become enemies due to ethnic and religions motives. I do not have much knowledge or formed point of view to make any comment about this war, but this is another great movie, as sad as the other foregoing mentioned. The story is not presented in a chronological timeline and uses flashback to explain a little bit more each character.

lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles

#Lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles movie

This sad anti-war movie is no different from the others, except that the war is presented through the Serbian point of view. Yesterday I decided to watch again `Pretty Village, Pretty Flame'. In the last day, I saw `Harrison's Flowers' and `Vulkovar'. In the end, the rage between people is showed through the attempt of murder of Milan in the sickbay. The story of each one of them is again presented through flashbacks. In the unfinished tunnel, Milan and other Serbian soldiers and an American journalist are trapped. Then in the Bosnian war, the friendship ends and each ex-friend fights for a different side in a split country. Through flashbacks, he recalls his childhood with his best and inseparable Mohammedan friend Halil (Nikola Pejakovic).

lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles

In 1993, in Belgrade, in an army hospital, the Serbian Milan (Dragan Bjelogrlic) is completely wounded with many broken bones. In 1971, it was the opening party of the beginning of the construction of a tunnel linking the cities of Belgrade (Capital of Serbia) and Zagreb (Capital of Croatia) and symbolizing the union of these people.

Lepa sela lepo gore english subtitles